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Clay Hedgehogs!
Pictured on Ms. O'Connor's Autumn display table are the hedgehogs the children made from clay. Well done boys and girls!

Autumn Prints!
Autumn prints created by the pupils in Ms. O'Connor's classroom

Fun in the Science Lab!
Our future scientists in fifth and sixth class are learning about 'matter'. This week they created carbon dioxide using vinegar and...

Award Certificates!
Well done to all the boys and girls who received certificates for 'Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine', Scribhneoir na Seachtaine', Dalta na...

Our Local Area
Mrs McEnroe's class have been busy learning all about their local area. Pictured below are some examples of all their fantastic work. ...

National Hedgerow Week
Go raibh mÃle maith agat Tony Kenneally from the Heritage Council who visited our school to celebrate National Hedgerow Week. The...

Feet First Friday
Our first 'Feet First Friday ' was on September 6th. Well done to all the children, parents and staff who walked, cycled or scooted to...

Fáilte ar ais!
Welcome back to all the pupils in Ms. O'Connor's classroom!

Farewell 6th Class
On Wednesday 18th June we had a Graduation Ceremony for the 8 pupils in 6th Class with their parents and family members. Each pupil read...

Turoe Pet Farm & Leisure Park
The pupils from Junior Infants up to 2nd class enjoyed their school tour last Tuesday to Turoe Pet Farm and Leisure Park. They had lots...

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